laser marking machines

 Cell phones, microprocessors, displays, and memory chips have extremely complex components, consisting of a large number of different materials and multi-layer materials in greatly small sizes and thicknesses. Therefore, highly advanced and precise equipment is required for their marking processing due to the requirement of precise and fine marking results and customized marking in large batches. The laser marking machine can meet these demands because of its narrow laser beam after focus and non-contact marking. Consumer electronics can be marked by laser marking machines in large quantities according to personal needs without damage to the internal components of consumer electronics and with no mechanical stress.

    Take cell phones, laser marking machines are used for marking various parts of a cell phone, such as its Logo, shell, and battery, as well as relevant ornaments. Some invisible internal components also involve the use of laser marking machines. Compared with conventional methods for cellphone-related marking, laser marking machines are able to improve the accuracy and anti-counterfeiting and increase added value, thereby increasing the grade of cell phones with higher brand value.

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