Dry Ice Blast Cleaning VS Laser Cleaning

  Dry ice blast cleaning equipment and laser cleaning tools have their own advantages and disadvantages although they play a highly similar role in cleaning.

Advantages of dry ice blast cleaning equipment:

1.No chemical agents are used in the cleaning process of dry ice blast cleaning equipment, thus not creating pollution to the environment.

2.The cleaning effect of dry ice blast cleaning equipment is more effective and environmental-friendly than that of cleaning methods using cleaning agents, as well as no damage to the material cleaned.

3.The cleaning time of dry ice blast cleaning equipment is less than that of cleaning methods using cleaning agents because it does not need to be shut down and disassembled and can also be operated online.

4.It is easy to operate dry ice blast cleaning equipment because its procedures are simple. Automation can also be actualized, thus reducing labor costs.

Disadvantages of dry ice blast cleaning equipment:

1.The cleaning effect is poor if equipment cleaned cools.

2.Strict operating environment is required for the use of dry ice blast cleaning equipment. It is necessary to wear a protective suit due to the danger generated during the operation of dry ice blast cleaning.

3.The cleaning cost of dry ice blast cleaning equipment is high. Dry ice blast cleaning machines are usually equipped with a dry-ice storage tank, a dry-ice-making device, an air compressor, and an air storage tank.

    As new industrial cleaning equipment, laser cleaning machines are more advantageous than dry ice blast cleaning devices and also solve the drawbacks of dry ice blast cleaning. In addition, its application is more extensive. The laser cleaner is usually considered the upgrading and enhancement of dry ice blast cleaning equipment and the best alternative.

    Laser cleaning machines work by instantaneously heating and evaporating contaminants with laser energy through ablation.

    As an advanced substitute for traditional cleaning, the laser cleaning machine has a variety of benefits: no use of any chemical and cleaning agents, no photochemical reaction, no generation of noise and environmental pollution, no mechanical stress, no damage to precision instruments or parts, no influence on operators’ health, no need to disassemble, online cleaning operation, support of the twenty-four-hour operation, easy actualization of automatic control, remote-control cleaning, accurate control of cleaning accuracy (micron level), and removal of specified paint layers in accordance with demand.

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